

Drug Watch International is a volunteer non-profit drug information network and organization that promotes the creation of healthy drug-free cultures in the world and opposes the legalization of drugs prohibited by national and international laws.  The organization upholds a comprehensive approach to drug issues involving prevention, education, intervention/treatment, and law enforcement/interdiction. 
Drug Watch International is comprised of a Board of Directors, state and international Delegates, a Liaison Network of representatives from international, national, and state prevention and treatment organizations, Council of Advisors, and the International Drug Strategy Institute. 

The purpose of Drug Watch International is to provide policymakers, the media, and the public with current information, factual research, expert resources, and to counter drug advocacy propaganda.

Drug Watch Says Goodbye to an Old Friend
Otto Moulton's Courage Never Failed nor Faltered
Click here to read the article

News Notes
Almost 10% of first-year college students at a mid-Atlantic university have a cannabis use disorder, and 38.4% of those who used marijuana five or more times in the past year reported potentially serious cannabis-related problems.
("Addictive Behaviors" 33(3):397-411, March 2008: CESAR Fax 1/21/2008)

On March 17, 1999, the Institute of Medicine (IOM) released its report, "Marijuana and Medicine: Assessing the Science Base." At a news conference on that date, Principal Investigators John A. Benson and Stanley J. Watson Jr., commented:
(Benson) "It is important to stress that the goal of these trials should not be to develop marijuana as a licensed drug. Rather, these trials should be done in parallel with the development of new, safe delivery systems of drugs related to the compounds found in marijuana."

(Watson) "Marijuana's future as medicine does not involve smoking. It involves exploiting the potential in cannabinoids such as THC, the key psychoactive ingredient of marijuana."

Click here for Institute of Medicine Report Recommendations.

Click here for the Statement from the FDA