
Mission, Philosophy & Principles


The illegal or harmful use of psychoactive or addictive drugs is a major threat to all world communities and to future generations. Drug Watch International is a network of prevention experts and community volunteers from a wide range of professions whose mission is to help assure a healthier and safer world through drug prevention efforts by: providing accurate information on both illicit and harmful psychoactive substances; promoting sound drug policies based on scientific research; and opposing efforts to legalize or decriminalize drugs.



Drug abuse prevention is the most effective, humane, and cost effective way of addressing the consequences of illegal, harmful and mind altering drugs in our society. Prevention works and needs to be reinforced, enhanced, and expanded.

Effective prevention can take place only with positive societal norms which embrace and support healthy drug-free attitudes, environment, and activities, while reinforcing nonacceptance toward the presence of drugs and destructive behavior. These societal norms must be reflected in the accountability and enforcement of legal, medical, educational, community, and personal standards

All parts of the local and global communities need to unite the strengths of professional expertise, generational wisdom and individual commitment to combat the drug problem as we strive together toward a healthier world.